Tuesday, March 27, 2012


What's new in the studio this week? Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles! We have been having so much fun creating our new pendants made from discarded bottles...each one one of a kind, of course! These pendants are made individually, with bubbles blown into the hot glass. We think these capture the color and energy of the Caribbean Sea beautifully.

For best selection, visit the studio in Tillett Gardens! Select pendants available in our online store www.h2ocandy.com/store as well as the gift shop at Secret Harbor resort here on St Thomas.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Salt & Pepper Shakers

We love making our salt and pepper shakers! We have been using discarded Cruzan Rum bottles

as well as Ketel One bottles

which are all clear, so we decided to throw in some color! These are from discarded wine bottles,

and these from Skyy Vodka bottles!

This cobalt blue color is our favorite. All versions have a screw off cap from the original bottles for easy filling, and caps are pierced with holes for easy shaking.

These are available in the studio shop as well as our online store. www.h2ocandy.com/store

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Paper Globes

You know we love making our hand cut paper lamps, and lately we've been obsessed with making hanging paper globes! These are best used in multiples, and we've done custom colors for weddings and kids' rooms. They hang from nearly invisible fishing line, and they're super light so it doesn't take much breeze to get them moving! (Makes them hard to photograph, though!)

We have a bunch hanging in the studio and also some outside...they are so pretty with the Garden as a backdrop!

We have also been having fun making our Sea Creature Sun Catchers...these are made from discarded vodka bottles!

New items are always available in the Water Candy shop at Tillett Gardens and in our online store www.h2ocandy.com/store so be sure to visit soon!