We have been so pleased with our move from a little studio in the back of
Tillett Gardens to a larger studio with storefront! Besides the added space and exposure, we love that people pop in all day long to talk
art. Our list of ideas and projects to try is long!
Our latest project, Nautical Bottle Lanterns, was inspired by Kimberly, from
Everyday Clay Studio, and Elizabeth from Pandora's Treasure Box, both located in the Garden. Kim brought in a bottle lantern she owns, and Elizabeth brought photos she liked from a catalog. Thanks also to friend Kitty for discussions on painted bottles.
These lanterns combine our two favorites, glass and paper!
And as we can't throw anything away, these are the tops leftover after cutting bottles for our glassware.
Tops that aren't used for lanterns will be sliced into rings for windchimes and jewelry.
(photo by Gina Feddersen)
What makes these nautical? Well, the texture on the bottle reminds us of a crusty, coral covered bottle salvaged from the sea
...and they look right at home on the sailboat! (husband points out that old bottles typically aren't bright funky colors...to that we respond, this is water candy.)
Our neighbor in the Garden was having a yard sale, and we picked up a bunch of chain and votive glasses super cheap. We simply drilled holes in the holders, attached the chain, and fed through the decorated bottle. Hanging in the studio, we are lighting them with battery operated tea lights, but flame tea light or votives could also be used.
We love our painted paper versions, but no collection of nautical lanterns would be complete without the gin
and the rum!
Thanks for stopping by here, and visit the shop soon!